Welcome to Fall

Welcome to Fall. We are still trying to emerge from the shadows of Covid and while we have signed a contract to use the Heller Nature Center for the Fall, the dreaded variants have stymied our best attempts to open our in-person meetings until we can get their OK. So, for now, virtual meetings continue for the time being.

Lots of Kudos to our volunteers!

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Rob Orr
I Can't Believe It's Not Fall

From the hot and steamy days of Summer to looking forward to the cooler weather that Fall brings, I feel like we are doing Ground Hog Day (the movie) again. With the Covid Delta variant curtailing the best laid plans for our return to Heller in August, to the retreat from Max’s until it is safe for us “older” folks to return, it feels like we take two steps forward and two steps back.

But on the optimistic side, our solar cycle and greater band openings give cause for optimism for a great Fall season.

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Rob Orr
Dog Days

The Dog Days of Summer are upon us and with them come the excitement of getting the gang back together again, We have already had two in-person events (the Hams-in-the-Park and the Fox Hunt), but now we finally get to collectively meet at the Heller Nature Center for our first in a long time club monthly meeting. Of course, things remain a little “iffy” with the Covid variants causing a bit of concern. But we will follow whatever guidelines that the Highland Park District sets for Heller and will strictly enforce it. So, stay tuned for further developments.

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Rob Orr
Can You Lend a Hand?

Can you lend a hand? Our club runs on the good will and commitment of its members to volunteer.

We currently have the following critical roles to fill for next year:

Club Treasurer

Net Director

These nominees, if confirmed, will serve on next year’s Board of Directors.

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Rob Orr
Improving on the "New Normal"

Well, patience has its rewards. As the country and our club emerge from the Covid pandemic, we are beginning to see the impact of our vaccination efforts.

We are finally resuming our VE sessions, although not at our usual location, as of yet. A shout out to Cary, KD9ITO for making that happen for us in Melrose Park.

Our Build Club is resuming an ambitious schedule, thanks to the leadership of Art, N9AEP and Evan, AC9TU. Still in virtual mode, but hopefully very soon in person.

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Rob Orr
Emerging Activities

As we slowly emerge from what has to be a historic marker in our event history, we are faced with rethinking how we can get back to the new normal of activities. Questions still remain as to when we will be back to meeting in person. Our communications with the Heller Nature Center indicate that they are going to place restrictions on how many people can congregate for an in-person meeting, how socially distanced they must be and that mask requirements will remain in effect until further notice

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Rob Orr