NSRC BuilD Club
A team of NSRC members created our very own Build Club devoted to the practice of construction of a variety of ham radio related gear. Shown below are images of some of the kits on the list for what may be built this year. Email Udo Koch (buildclub@ns9rc.org) if you would like to participate in one of these experiences.
The Build Club activities will resume in March of 2025. Updates will be posted here.
1 - Introduction to Electricity Basic Electronics
2 - Power and Energy Basic Electronics
3 - Wires and Cables Basic Electronics
4 - Antenna Analyzers Station Acessories
6 - Power Supplies Station Acessories
7 - Portable Power Supplies Station Acessories
10 - Microphones for Ham Radio
Build Club Lectures and HandOuts from previous build club meetings
Lectures & Presentations
Theory Presentation - 1 basic electronics
Theory Presentation - 2 wires and cable
Theory Presentation - 3 Antena Analyzers
Theory Presentation - 4 Oscilloscopes Part1
Theory Presentation - 6 Power Supplies
Theory Presentation - 7 Portable Power Supplies
Theory Presentation - 8 Programming of Radios
Theory Presentation - 9 Electronic Simulation with TinkerCAD
Theory Presentation - 10 Microphones
Theory Presentation - 11 Semiconductor Basics
Theory Presentation - 13 Simple Wire Antennas
Theory Presentation - 14 Simple VJF_UHF Antennas
Theory Presentation - 15 Modulation Types
Theory Presentation - 16 Antena Analyzers