I Can't Believe It's Not Fall

From the hot and steamy days of Summer to looking forward to the cooler weather that Fall brings, I feel like we are doing Ground Hog Day (the movie) again.  With the Covid Delta variant curtailing the best laid plans for our return to Heller in August, to the retreat from Max’s until it is safe for us “older” folks to return, it feels like we take two steps forward and two steps back.

But on the optimistic side, our solar cycle and greater band openings give cause for optimism for a great Fall season.

 We are coming up on our annual public service events of the Evanston 100 Cycle event and the October Chicago Marathon.  Although the rules of engagement have not yet been finalized, I hope it is not deterring members from volunteering for both events.  I know Rob, K9RST is counting on all of us to participate if we can.  Please contact him to put your hat in the ring for both events.

 One of the best things to happen to the club of late is the reinstitution of VE examining at the Northbrook Library.  This facility is consistently helping us increase our testing capacity and is also yielding us new members who pass the exams.  As a result of the hard work of our VE examiners led by Rich, K9RD and Cary, KD9ITO, we have reached record high membership numbers topping over 220 members.  A big shout out to Tammy KD9IXB, our membership director for running such a smooth membership drive.

 As the Fall approaches, our Build club is busy planning new and ambitious build projects that will certainly be of interest to our membership.  Just daydream a bit and think of all those chilly fall days with a variety of new and exciting kits to build under our expert Build Club members.

 And for those of you who are newly licensed, please feel free to contact Elliot, K9EGH to hook up with a mentor, should you need help or guidance on building out your shack or solving a technical problem.  We are blessed with a wealth of membership expertise.  If you need help putting up or taking down an antenna, likewise just let us know.

 And if you feel that you contribute to the club as a volunteer for our many activities , please let me know.

 73 for now,

Burt KR9T

Rob Orr