Repeater Guidelines

From time to time, we like to remind people that our repeaters and systems are available to all licensed ham radio operators and must comply with the FCC Rules and Regulations. The NSRC also has established some user guidelines as follows:

"Take the time to listen to the repeater before you talk."

Don't start speaking as soon as you key your mic. Repeaters need about a second before they are ready to pass what they receive through the transmitter. Speaking too quickly may clip off your first couple syllables.

"If you are listening and would like to start a conversation."

Just give your call sign. You can add "monitoring" or "listening" if you like. Phonetics are not required when using a repeater unless specifically requested for clarification.

"If you want to join an existing conversation."

Just give your call sign and wait to be acknowledged. Never use "break break' unless you need to report an emergency. Please don't interrupt an ongoing conversation unless you have something constructive to contribute to the topic being discussed. Be polite and don't change the subject once you have been acknowledged.

"If you want to talk to a certain person."

Call them using their call sign followed by yours. If they don't immediately come back to you, wait a couple minutes and call them again or simply put out your call if you would like to have a conversation with anyone.

"In a true emergency."

Give your call and say "emergency.' Saying "emergency" will make it clear that you have something urgent and need immediate assistance from anyone who is listening.

"Give your call sign regularly."

At least every ten minutes, but not with every transmission you make. Also, there is no need to use cutesy expressions like "for ID." Just say the call sign of who you are passing it to followed by your call sign and leave it at that. When you have finished using the repeater, just end your final transmission with your call sign and the word "clear.”

“If you experience malicious interference.”

Such as a signal clearly trying to interrupt your conversation with empty carriers, touch tones or profanity, PLEASE DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE IT! Simply continue your conversation as though it doesn't exist if you can, or just end your conversation and sign "clear" as described above. Again, never acknowledge an interfering station, that's exactly what it wants you to do.