Field Day
Picture of our 2023 GOTA station
Field Day is our Annual celebration of amateur radio. It is meant to be an emergency drill to demonstrate how ham radio teams can quickly provide communication in the event of an emergency. We try to connect with the other 3500 stations around the U.S. and receive points for performing certain tasks, like setting up tents in a public park, using generators and inviting officials. It is always the 4th weekend of June.
In 2024 we had a very successful field day. Even some thunderstorms in the night, which forced us to shut down operations temporarily, we had top tier rankings.
We achieved a result of 12189 points. In detail we had:
2055 CW contacts (2 points each)
283 Digital contacts (2 points each)
446 SSB contacts (1 point each)
1945 bonus points (mostly from GOTA station)
This gave us the following ranking:
#22 of 4,319 ARRL submitted entries
#1 of all Illinois (133 entries)
#4 in class 3A of 1,254 entries
A big applause to all participants. We always look for operators, especially for the night hours. Stay tuned for announcements here and in the eMitter when recruiting starts.
By John Canker (W9JM)
Have you ever thought of operating Winter Field Day but were hesitant to because you didn't want to freeze your patootie off? Well, I have your answer. "The 415 Amateur Radio Club - N9WH" would like to invite you to participate in our Winter Field Day. We operate 2 stations, phone and CW, in the comfort of heated "temporary" buildings located on our field day site - which is on a farm in Crystal Lake, IL. (See our QRZ page at N9WH) Last year several NSRC members participated in our WFD and from what I'm told, had a great time and are looking forward to attend again this year. In fact, we have had several NSRC folks already signed up. WFD begins at 10:00am on January 25 and ends at 4:00pm on January 26. This year we made it even easier to sign up and secure your operating position/time by using our signup page on our new website. To sign up and secure your spot go to the 415 website at http://THE415ARC.COM and follow the pop-up prompt. I hope many of you will join us for Winter Field Day. Here's a perfect opportunity to get out and play radio and meet new friends! Afterall, what else have you got to do on a cold winters' weekend?
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me, John Cankar, a shout at
Official rules and information can be found here ->