QRP Night - Emily Oaks
An evening for Fire, Fun and Friends. QRP NSRC style
Emily Oaks QRP Night
The North Shore Radio Club annual Campfire & QRP night will be the second Tuesday in September. 7:00pm.at the Emily Oaks Nature Center in Skokie. Emily Oaks is at Brummel and Kenton - just north of Howard St., two blocks east of Skokie Blvd. A map is referenced below or just use your GPS. Bring your QRP rig, battery, antenna, and some insect repellent, just in case campfire smoke isn’t enough to keep bugs at bay. Beverages and s’mores will be provided. As the days grow shorter, it’s almost dark by 7:30, so recommend you get there early to set up an antenna. 40, 30, or 20 meters are usually the bands of choice. Once again there will be “Emily” awards for QSOs that cover the greatest distance per watt, with separate categories for CW, SSB and digital. Bring a friend!
There will be no club meeting atathat day !