Emerging Activities

As we slowly emerge from what has to be a historic marker in our event history, we are faced with rethinking how we can get back to the new normal of activities.  Questions still remain as to when we will be back to meeting in person. Our communications with the Heller Nature Center indicate that they are going to place restrictions on how many people can congregate for an in-person meeting, how socially distanced they must be and that mask requirements will remain in effect until further notice.  As a result, we are in a holding pattern awaiting further clarification for our specific club meetings.  At the present time, we will continue with virtual meetings until we get further clarification and we may gradually move to a hybrid-type meeting where we will give members a choice of joining us virtually or joining in person.  Stay tuned for future guidance.

 We continue to proceed with events in a virtual or hybrid fashion for now.  Upcoming is a Northbrook Library event geared for individuals who are not acquainted with ham radio.

On Saturday, May 22nd between 10-11:30 am the Northbrook Library will be hosting “An Introduction to Ham Radio” being sponsored by our club and starring our own Derick Bonewitz, AB9PR, with support from Don, KK9H.  Registration for the Zoom event must be made via www.visit.northbrook.info to sign up.  Please invite your friends who might be interested in our hobby to attend. If you have any questions about the event, please do not hesitate to contact me at kr9t@arrl.net

 As mentioned on our website, June is our modified Field Day.  Please join in and help us aggregate scores to again put us in contention for recognition.  Please contact Rob Orr, K9RST with any questions that the website does not answer or cannot be found on the ARRL website.

 I want to continue to recognize individuals in our club that go above and beyond in making our club grow and thrive.  Rich Davidson, K9RD, our long serving educational director and VE Coordinator for the club and Warren Pugh, KC9IL, our long serving club treasurer, both are deserving of recognition by our membership.

 For well over two decades, Rich, KR9D has lead our educational initiatives with in-person training courses for preparation for FCC exams, developing a computerized effort to provide VE examinations with two-day turnaround time to examinees, and has spearheaded our club’s ability to be one of the first clubs nationwide within ARRL to conduct such exams on a mass basis.  Only the Covid 19  pandemic could slow his efforts, but he has championed our cause with the development of a new virtual course, which will be launched very soon.  Thanks Rich, for all you do for the club.

 Keeping responsible stewardship of the club’s finances is no small task and our current financial stability is the result of extraordinary efforts by Warren, KC9IL.  His annual reviews of our financial standing, his monthly balancing of our books and his insightful guidance regarding spending reflects well on dedication to our financial well-being. Not only is he a great treasurer but his running of our 10 meter net and fusion nodes continues to draw admiration from us all. Warren, the club is fiscally sound and growing in no small measure due to your immense efforts.

 Well, I am looking forward to overcoming our many obstacles.  Please stay safe and until next month…


Burt KR9T


Rob Orr