Can You Lend a Hand?

Can you lend a hand? Our club runs on the good will and commitment of its members to volunteer.


We currently have the following critical roles to fill for next year:

Club Treasurer

Net Director

These nominees, if confirmed, will serve on next year’s Board of Directors.


We are also looking for folks to step up and take on the following roles as leads or assistants to our current leads right now:

Intermittent or annual.

- Field Day

- Auction Manager

- Marathon

- Fox Hunt

- Public Service

- Locker inventory

- Station Donations



- eMitter

- Hams in Park

- Meeting Planning

- Build Club

- Website


 Weekly or bimonthly

- Membership

- VE testing

- Library Docents


So I am asking everyone to consider helping out in one or more of these activities to the extent that you have the time to commit. How?  Next to each item above, please select one or more activities and contact me directly at and let me know that you are willing to help.  I will get back to you with the specifics of what needs to be done and we can go from there.

Daniel Defoe (1725) said: Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.

When nobody is directly responsible for doing a thing, nobody does it, because everybody thinks somebody else is or will be doing it. That is why I need your help.

Well, I hope you will respond to my request.  Your club needs your participation. Enjoy the rest of the summer, and most of all, enjoy our hobby.


Burt KR9T

Rob Orr