
Weekly Club Net

Please check into the NSRC weekly Thursday night Net each Thursday evening at 8:00 PM local time on our analog UHF repeater (442.725Mhz +5Mhz, PL: 114.8 ).  Our Net features recorded Amateur Radio news from AR Newsline, and announcements of general interest.  Each week we feature a special topic as follows: 

First week: Program Preview, a preview of our monthly meeting topic.

Second week: Your Ham Radio Update, a chance to tell us what you’ve been up to in the hobby.

Third week: The Board Report, an update from our Club President on what happened at that month’s Board Meeting.

Fourth week: Timely Topics, a summary of topical ham radio happenings.

Check in each week to get your full dose of Amateur Radio! 

73, Marty Boroff WD9GYM
NSRC Net Director

Repeater RoundTable

If you are a new to the hobby and still intimidated by a formal net, we encourage you to stay on after the weekly net on our UHF repeater for an informal round table. We will hope you join us and make some new friends.

Saturday Morning HF Round Table

Every Saturday after Breakfast Club, there is a weekly informal 10M Roundtable at 10:30am on 28.355 MHz. All are welcome and we have even been surprised by stations joining us from outside the area when 10M happened to be open. Join Don Whiteman, KK9H as he hosts this fun gathering.