Breakfast Club

8:00 am Saturdays

No, not the 1985 American coming-of-age comedy-drama, but the timeless meeting of amateur radio operators like yourself. Every Saturday mornings starting at 8am at Max’s Deli in Highland Park. We discuss everything from System Fusion/D-Star and other digital modes to HF and putting up antennas. A club tradition, the Breakfast Club is renewing itself and its membership. So, if you want to get energized in the early morning hours, come join the lively conversation and meet some new acquaintances. This informal gathering is always looking for new faces to come and participate.

Max’s Deli, 191 Skokie Valley Rd, Highland Park, IL 60035.

Link to their breakfast menu ->

New Record participation on February 22, 2025

We had a total of 24 member show up and enjoyed comradery, good breakfast and lively discussions.

February 08, 2025