The NSRC is a not-for-profit Amateur Radio club serving Chicago’s north suburban area. It is one of Chicago’s largest and most active radio clubs whose members’ interests cover the entire spectrum of what the Amateur Radio Service has to offer. The club is a long standing Special Service Club member of the American Radio Relay League. It participates in Field Day, sponsors fox hunts and operates special event stations for Kid’s Day and the Boy Scouts’ Jamboree on the Air. NSRC also provides public service communications for local organizations like the MACC Fund’s TREK100 Bicycle Ride. We have served the Bank of America Chicago Marathon for more than 14 years, providing communication support for the medical volunteers. Many NSRC members participated in this world-class event. The club participates in and encourages all aspects of Amateur Radio including license classes and exams to help people get started in this wonderful hobby.
Club Meetings
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM at the Heller Nature Center in Highland Park. Meetings are open to the public. On occasion the club will have special meetings at various guest locations. Our meetings offer an informal setting for informative programs. The Heller Nature Center is located at 2821 Ridge Road in Highland Park. Talk in on our two meter system.
Our Weekly Net
Please feel free to check into the NSRC weekly Thursday night net at 8PM CDT/CST on our 440 repeater. Our net features recorded Amateur Radio news from the AR NEWSLINE, and announcements of general interest.
For more information send email to: info@ns9rc.org
Our Welcome Tent for Field Day