From the Desk of AB9ZI - March 2025 Message
The President’s Desk
Amateur Radio has an “image” of some folks hiding behind their microphones never seeing anyone in person. Well, YOUR club goes a long way to dispute that image!
On Tuesday, February 25 we held our annual club dinner at Portillo’s in Deerfield. At last count we had 42 attendees! It was great to see every one and we all had a lot of loud fun.
And, on Saturday mornings at our ongoing breakfast at Max’s Deli s in Highland Park we set a record last week with 25 of us enjoying in-person conversations. Join us at 8 am. Max’s Location: Crossroads Shopping Center 191 Skokie Valley Rd, Highland Park, IL 60035.
Then, on Tuesday, March 11 again we meet in person at the Heller Nature Center for our monthly club meeting. Get out from behind that mic and join us for “Amateur Radio is a Life Skill” by our own Donn Dengel, W9TOC.
I just looked outside and spring is upon us! Marty Boroff, WD9GYM will start us planning Field Day, our club’s premiere event.
And if you can’t make it to Heller, we will be simulcasting the meeting on Zoom.
Speaking of Field Day our long-time serving event chairs, Don KK9H and Marty WD9GYM have requested some new folks to shadow them this Field Day and then take over the chairmanship in 2026. This is a great opportunity to step up and have some fun.
One of the tenants of amateur radio is to serve the community. Your club has an opportunity to show off your ham radio skills and support a worthy cause. On Saturday June 7, The Trek Bicycle Companies holds their “Trek 100”.
The Trek 100 began as a humble charity bike ride to raise funds for childhood cancer childhood cancer and related blood disorders research. Held annually in June, the Trek 100 has raised over $12.5 million to help fight childhood cancer and related blood disorders. This is no small event. Last year there were 1,762 riders, some of whom rode 100 miles! Your club provides radio communications and volunteers are needed. Contact John Canker W9JM for more information and to volunteer.
More information about these and other club activities is available on our website, Communications Director Udo N0LSR and team have done a complete update. Check it out.
Brian AB9ZI