Flex Cadre
Thanks to the generosity of Burt Krain a deployment of Flex Radios has been implemented. It is the mission of this group to form a small cadre of hams to collaborate on learning the Flex Radio and its related software suites.
Currently the Flex Radio software is free for users of Windows based PC’s and Tablets. There is an app which operates on iOS but t requires a fee.
The access is controlled though access credentials which are available for club members and licensed operators on request. A group of club members made their home station available for the deployment of FlexRadios. It is the commitment of the group to ensure everyone has a great experience. There are currently 6 Flex Radio stations at locations in Mundelein (EN52), Northfield (EN62CC), Northbrook (EN62CD), Skokie (EN62DB), and Waukegan (EN62BI).
The group is also looking for a host with versatile antenna systems and strong internet service.
This is a great opportunity for people living in condos, apartments or HOA communities to still enjoy the hobby from home.
If you are interested to participate, sign up at the special groups.io group.
FexRadio designs and manufactures a line of high-end software defined radios which can be relatively simple connected to the internet. They then can be remotely accessed and operated.
Available Stations
Mundelein - 8600 - HyGain AV-640 vertical 40-6
6600 - endfed 40 - 10.
Skokie - 6400 - MFJ-1796 Folded Dipole, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6
Northbrook - 8600 - Cushcraft R-7 - 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12,10
Northfield - 8400 - Ant 1 - HyGain AV-640 vertical 40-6, Ant 2 - 130 ft. inverted-L 160-40
Waukegan - 6600M - Ant 1 -EFHW Inverted L, 80 to 10, Ant 2 -Hex beam 6 to 20
A wiki provides information needed to operate different models of Flex Radios from just about anywhere in the world. The requirements are very simple. A good Wi-Fi internet connection and either a Maestro unit or your Windows PC. A google calendar is provided for scheduling of operating hours. Experienced operators in the group can provide Elmer services as needed to enjoy the experience. All classes of operators may make use of the equipment but must operate in the bands and frequencies allowed by their FCC license. Only licensed hams will be allowed to operate the radios.