The Education Director of the North Shore Radio Club teaches a course in Amateur Radio at least once every year.

 Rich Davidson, K9RD, is the lead instructor.  He was awarded the Herb S. Brier citation as the ARRL Instructor of the Year in 2004.  This class has been offered for over thirty years. 

The class is free, via Zoom, and will teach the concepts that make reading the text much easier and provide an understanding of radio and electronics. Even if you have a ham license, this class may help you understand the technology that everyone in our hobby should understand. 

On the third Sunday of each month, we offer a license examination session at the Northbrook Public Library. You can also go to and take their practice test to see how well you will perform before showing up. Then go to to find one of our VE sessions, usually the third Sunday of each month.  is the License Manual I recommend as a textbook.


Rich, K9RD

Education Directo