Northbrook Public Library

New Program for the Library - Bring your own radio <BYOR>

If you are new to the hobby or seasoned but are intimidated by all the features of your new radio, we offer One-on-One mentoring sessions at the Northbrook Library club station.

Modern transceiver got so light and transportable that you could bring your radio to the library and we sill give you a rundown of the most important features and basic operating skills. We will hook up your radio to the antenna at the library and you will be able to make some contacts and get familiar with your radio. If you get stuck, someone is by your side to help. You will also be able to ask all the questions you have and will walk away with a new set of skills and the knowledge on how to set up your station at home.

Even if you don’t have a radio and don’t know what to buy you will be able to “test-drive” a Yaesu FT710 and see if that would be a radio for you. The FT710 is an affordable entry level radio which has all the necessary features you need.

This is offered by appointment during the opening hours of the Collaboratory on Tuesdays 6pm to 8pm, or Saturdays 10:30am to 12pm.

If you are interested contact Udo - N0LSR

library on the air!

The North Shore Radio Club is sponsoring a ham station at the library

The station is located on the second floor in the Collaboratory. A great makerspace with a lot of possibilities for hobbies and crafts. The ham station has an ICOM-7800 for HF with an end-fed antenna with a LDG tuner for 40m through10m.

There is also an ICOM-5100 for VHF/UHF operations with a VHF/UHF ground plane.

The station can be accessed and operated by licensed hams during opening hours of the Collaboratory which are:

Tuesday-Thursday: 10am - 8pm; but closed 1:30 - 2:30pm on the first Tuesday of the month for staff meeting, except for July

Friday: 10am - 5pm

Saturday: 10am - 4pm

Check the website for change in opening: Northbrook Public Library

The library is located at 1201 Cedar Lane, Northbrook, Illinois 60062.

The third Tuesday every month is activation day for the ham station. N0LSR will be on site and give you a orientation of the station between 6pm and 8 pm. Other days on request. Contact Udo, N0LSR for details.