October 2020

Fall is an ideal time to check your antennas. Winter will soon be upon us and now is the time to check antenna connections, outside coax, lightning arrestors, grounding connections, guy ropes for UV damage, etc. And while you are at it, now would be a good time to pull out that antenna analyzer (or borrow one) and check for the accuracy of your band settings. It’s amazing how the sun’s UV rays, small animals, and the elements of weather can play havoc with your equipment.

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Rob Orr
September 2020

September marks the closing of summer activities (strange as they may seem during Covid 19) and the planning for Fall events. Given that we are not experiencing the seasons as usual, exactly what can we do until we gain more normalcy?

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Rob Orr
August 2020

We are entering the “Dog Days of Summer” which typically means a time of stagnation. Combined with an unexpected resurgence of COVID-19, it’s a double whammy of unexpected social distancing. Maybe that is why the Ham community is rising to the challenge of breaking down some of these self-isolation barriers. With the DX Engineering Virtual Hamfest completed at the end of July and a another virtual hamfest called “Expo” August 8th and 9th, we have found ways to connect our community of “hamsters” and share our collective experiences.

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Rob Orr
July 4, 2020

Well, Field Day 2020 (Covid 19 style) has come and gone. Our membership has adapted, innovated, and overcome the challenges of operating in groups and solo. Had we attempted our usual setup in Lake Forest, we would have been plagued by Friday storms that would have destroyed our setup and Saturday heat that would have challenged our endurance to operate over the 24 hour period. So, all in all, maybe it was for the best. Kudos go to all who took on the challenge and operated on behalf of our club.

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Rob Orr
June Blog

As we move into summer, Covid 19 has taken its toll on many of our traditional activities. From our trek to the Hamvention in Xenia, Ohio to a formal club Field Day in June, cancellations are getting to be routine.

So, what can we do in this time of stagnation? Some of our club members are itching to try experimentation with such things as replacing repeaters with NVIS (Non Vertical Incident Skywave) antennas for public service events. Others would like to experiment with AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network), a mesh network form of communications.

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Rob Orr
May 2020

As our club gradually adjusts to the new normal with virtual meetings, restricted activities, and new ways of conducting business, we are starting to emerge with innovative ideas for moving forward. As an example, our virtual Breakfast Club has evolved from the Saturday morning breakfast at Max’s Deli to a GoToMeeting event every Saturday starting at 7:30am where all members are invited to attend, make new contacts, learn new techniques and stay informed of the latest events.

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Rob Orr