May 2020

  As our club gradually adjusts to the new normal with virtual meetings, restricted activities, and new ways of conducting business, we are starting to emerge with innovative ideas for moving forward.  As an example, our virtual Breakfast Club has evolved from the Saturday morning breakfast at Max’s Deli to a GoToMeeting event every Saturday starting at 7:30am where all members are invited to attend, make new contacts, learn new techniques and stay informed of the latest events.  Our monthly meetings have, likewise, moved to monthly online presentations.  While I am sure we all miss the personal feel of meeting at the Heller Nature Center, we have developed a suitable online substitute to keep us engaged.  We are also going to attempt an all-time first.  A virtual Build Club is going to proposed and thanks to Dave, WW9S, it looks like it may attract quite a few club members who like to build things useful for the shack. We have also been given permission to automate our VE and will have more information on this in the near future.  Now might be a good time to consider becoming a Volunteer Examiner, because once we get the green light to resume exams, the pent up demand for licenses and upgrades will create a significant demand for our services.  If you desire more information on becoming a VE, please contact Rich, K9RD.

The Board welcomes your suggestions and comments as we continue to adapt and overcome the challenges we continue face.  Please feel free to contact any Board member to share your input. We appreciate your continued support and patience and continue to strive to offer you value for your membership.

Rob Orr