August 2020

We are entering the “Dog Days of Summer” which typically means a time of stagnation.  Combined with an unexpected resurgence of COVID-19, it’s a double whammy of unexpected social distancing.  Maybe that is why the Ham community is rising to the challenge of breaking down some of these self-isolation barriers.  With the DX Engineering Virtual Hamfest completed at the end of July and a another virtual hamfest called “Expo” August 8th and 9th, we have found ways to connect our community of “hamsters” and share our collective experiences.

But beyond the wider connections are the personal connections we are still able to make through our content-rich monthly meetings and the beginnings of our Build Club.  We have a regularly scheduled “Breakfast Club” Saturday mornings where discussions range from show- and-tell to the latest in technological advances as reported by our gurus of all things “geeky”.

In addition, thanks to Cary, KD9ITO, we have managed to extend our VE examining on a temporary basis to prospective applicants using the facilities in Melrose Park and are moving more in the direction of fully online examining. Rich, K9RD, has secured computers for the purpose of allowing applicants to take their exams and have them scored immediately and it allows them to get their license within days instead of weeks.

It’s also a time to think about your fellow hams.  In this time of self-isolation and social distancing it is easy to forget about some of our older members who simply cannot participate in ways we have traditionally done in the past.  I am sure some of them would appreciate you reaching out to them to make sure they are getting along OK and are well.  I recently did that to one of our members I had not seen in some time and found out that he was experiencing some tough health issues that I otherwise would not have known about.  It felt good to connect and I am sure he felt the same.  Given that our hobby centers around communications, it certainly makes sense that we make a special effort to reach out to our fellow members to maintain our connections.

Looking forward, we certainly can get out by ourselves or in “trusted partnerships” with fellow hams to enjoy fresh air and some adaptation of Hams in the Park through the Fall months.  We will continue to offer quality programs each month and hope you will tune into our virtual GoToMeeting events.  Optimistically, we collectively look forward to getting back to in-person meetings and more social gatherings to celebrate our hobby.  For many reasons, we are lucky to have chosen the hobby we have.  We can still enjoy it, no matter what the pandemic.

Take each day as it comes and enjoy our hobby.


Burt KR9T


Rob Orr