Fall Events

As autumn sets in it is a great time to go outside and check your antennas, coax, and connectors before it gets too cold to do a complete inspection.  Is your coax in good condition? Now is good time to check for animal nibbles, loose connections, and replace anything that looks questionable.  A little preventive maintenance goes a long way to trouble free shack performance.

 September 17th is the grand opening of the Northbrook Library Ham station.  All club members are invited to join the festivities including a seminar on Introduction to Ham Radio by Derick Bonewitz, AB9PR followed by a formal ribbon cutting and display of our Build Club projects in the Collaboratory and then an All Hams in the Park event in the park adjoining the library on Saturday afternoon where light refreshments.  All members, family members, and interested guests are invited to enjoy the events.

 Our Nominating Board is in the process of soliciting interested members in joining the governing Board of the club.  If you would like to meet existing Board Members to hear about their roles and learn how you can be a part of the Board of Directors, please either come early (around 7 pm) to our next meeting in October at the Heller Nature Center or contact me at burt.krain@gmail.com. We have several vacancies and great opportunities to become even more involved in our club and shape its future direction.  I can personally attest to the fact that I have had a great opportunity to get to really know other club members and become more involved in the stewardship of our club.  I urge you to come out and let your availability be known.

 With the learning curve of having hybrid meetings (in person and online), we will continue this practice which will allow a greater participation by our membership.  If you have any ideas for future speakers, or you would like to make a presentation yourself, please let us know and we will certainly entertain your suggestions.

 Looking forward to a great fall season with a club sale event coming up at the next club meeting.  Your donations to this sale of gently used equipment is appreciated.

Our fall has never been more exciting and we hope you all can actively participate in our scheduled events.


Burt KR9T



Rob Orr