Year of the Volunteer

ARRL has declared 2023 as the “Year of the Volunteer” and this could not be a more appropriate or timely topic for February. Our club runs on backs of volunteers in so many ways.

With more public service events on the horizon for this year including marathon radio communications, our activities at the Ham Shack in the Northbrook Public Library, Field Day, Hams in the Park/Parks on the Air etc., we have the opportunity to expand the awareness of what amateur radio is and what it means to our membership. But this can only happen if you choose to engage in the “collective us” rather than going it alone.

Right now we have committees forming to take care of everything from Field Day to functions our club desperately needs such as individuals to step up and assume responsibility for being our photographer/historian, auction broker, equipment/ inventory manager, VE leads, etc. and we could certainly use help if you have experience with spreadsheets, written communication skills, meeting presentations, etc.

Membership in our club should be more than paying annual dues and sitting back and letting others do all the work. Now is the time to step up and be “radio active” and take on some of the club’s responsibilities. Even if you only have an hour or two a month that you can devote, this would go a long way to meeting our needs, and in the process, meeting new people and making new friends.

At our February Meeting we will share what committees we need to form and you will have the opportunity to sign up and make a commitment to help where you can. Please remember: “If not me, than who”. It is your individual commitment that will help keep our club strong and full of opportunities to make new friends and expand your curiosity for all things amateur radio has to offer.


Burt KR9T

Rob Orr