Spring is in the air

Spring is in the air and wire antennas are launching into the trees. With Spring comes the thoughts of getting outside and doing Hams in the Park and Field Day preparations. Radio tracked balloons are flying around the world again. Our first hybrid club meeting is going to happen at the Heller Nature Center where you have the choice of attending in person or viewing via Zoom.  Since this is the first time we have met in person as a club since the pandemic began, this is a big deal! Please bear with us as we iron out any kinks in the dual transmission.  Now is your chance to meet other club members face to face.

 Our Spring club sale of donated equipment at Heller in March was very successful and a special shout out goes to Art, N9AEP for organizing and running the sale and to all those club members who supported this effort. Such efforts result in supporting our club’s repeaters and other events.  Well done, Art!

 Every few years I like to remind club members to use their free time in the Spring to inventory their equipment.  This helps you realize what you have, what you need, and also what you now consider excess and can donate to our next club sale.  Taking pictures and recording serial numbers also helps to identify your equipment.  It also allows you to have a record for insurance purposes of any equipment that may get lost or stolen.  In addition, it provides your loved ones with a way to know what you have.  Do you also have instructions on how you want dispose of your equipment if and when you become an SK?  Your loved ones would appreciate it. 

 With Field Day coming up in late June at our new location in Clarkson Park in Northfield, we hope to have maximum club participation.  Committees are being formed to handle everything from generator power to food for our Saturday afternoon/evening picnic.  Please contact Don, KK9H to let him know what committee you would like to serve on.  Our goal is to have fun, get “butts” in seats to communicate, and show off our hobby to our friends and neighbors.  All are welcome to this event.  We have not had a full, active FD in over two years, so please come out and support this event.

 Looking forward to seeing everyone in person again.


Burt KR9T


Rob Orr