Reflections on

Reflections on the year that was and predictions on the year to come.

 To quote a common expression from 2020, “it is what it is” and now it “was what it was.” If you choose to focus on the negative, I guess you can bemoan that the facts that this year we had no Hamvention, no formal Field Day as in the past, no fox hunts, no Hams in the Park, no meetings at Heller post March, and no in-person auction.  Bummer, right?  But if you chose to focus on the positive, we still were able to have stellar virtual club meetings with excellent programming, thanks to Dave, WW9S; great communications, thanks to Art, N9AEP, reliable net communications thanks to Mark, WA9IVH and his stable of great net operators; strong membership initiatives thanks to Tami, KD9IXB; Technical Support from both Greg, W9GAK and Vic, KA9KBD; VE and Educational initiatives including our first computerized examining thanks to Rich, K9RD and Cary, KD9ITO; and a stable financial future thanks to Warren, KC9IL. And working hard behind the scenes was our past president, Rob, K9RST providing logistical and technical support as well as managing our website. And most of all, to our other Board members and membership whose unwavering support during this tough year, you deserve much credit and appreciation.

 So, OK, this was not the year we expected, but we can be thankful for FT8/FT4 to keep us busy during this pandemic. We can appreciate tools like Zoom and GoToMeeting which allowed us to connect in the “cyber” for meetings, Build Club, Saturday Morning Breakfast Club, and just hooking up with other members. We are able to hold an online sale of club donations in lieu of our annual auction and while most of this is virtual, it has held the club together. We even have the benefit of connecting with members who have moved from the area but still want to be part of our community. So, all in all, these things have sustained us and surprisingly, have increased our membership roles making 2020 a banner year of members totaling 207.

 What can we expect in 2021?  In one word, “optimism”.  With vaccines and vaccinations on the horizon, can a partial return to normalcy be far off? I foresee our club activities gradually returning to normal by midsummer, if all goes well.  Yes, it may be too early to expect Hamvention to return as it was by May, but some of our other activities will probably move from virtual to actual by the end of summer.  Maybe we will again return to the Evanston Century 100 and the Chicago Marathon as volunteers.  The Ham Station at the Northbrook library has already been tested and is operational and once the green light has been given that the library is open to the public again, we will resume our VE testing there as well as provide classes to the public and mentor operators at our newly created station.

 Speaking of mentoring, we now have a mentorship coordinator for the club who can connect those that need support or assistance with other members who have the required expertise and time to assist.  Elliot, K9EHG has taken on this newly established role for the club.

 Other predictions for 2021 include excitement over the Elecraft K4, which will finally be delivered to those eagerly awaiting its arrival; a new handy talky from Icom, the 52a and more hardware, yet to be announced. Band conditions should be gradually improving and hopes for increased solar activity should follow.

 So, my fellow hams, remain optimistic, engage with your fellow hams in this wonderful hobby and stay safe in the interim. Here is to a brighter and more connected 2021!


Burt KR9T

Rob Orr