Do You Feel Lucky?

November, 2020 Blog

From the Desk of KR9T

 With the increased threat of the Corona Virus spreading throughout the wintertime months, it’s easy to think that it’s not going to touch your life in some way.  After all, you have chosen to wear a mask, social distance, and avoid crowds.  You wash your hands, don’t go out to eat at restaurants, and basically either work from or just stay at home. But, in other ways it has already affected your life.  You cannot socialize like you used to, visit your relatives, hold your grandchild, or even gather for family events like the upcoming holidays.  Sounds depressing right?

 Well consider this.  You should feel lucky.  You chose a hobby that is based on communication. And the mere fact that you have a hobby at all (many individuals when asked say they simply do not have a hobby) gives you something to sustain your interests, when others simply flounder not having anything to focus on.

 So, what’s my point?  Our hobby and furthermore, our club, offers us a healthy outlet to engage with others of like interests, share knowledge, and keeps us focused and engaged, when otherwise, we might not have something to do (like those who claim they don’t have any hobbies).  In my case, I retired after some 40 years of work and teaching and I initially thought work was the be all and end all of leading a productive life.  Fast forward some 9 years post retirement and I feel extremely lucky to share my time and interests with a great body of friends and acquaintances as a result of this hobby and club activities.  And expanding that to all of the contacts and potential contacts that this hobby affords me is just the icing on the cake.

 So, for those that bemoan a lack of in-person meetings, Field Day, Fox Hunts hamfests and our annual auction, we have done some innovative work-arounds via  virtual GoToMeeting monthly meetings, with interesting topics,  Build Club (thanks, Dave, WW9S), Thursday Night Nets (thanks Mark, WA9IVH and his net control operator), automated VE exams (thanks Rich K9RD & Cary, KD9ITO) and our regularly scheduled Saturday morning breakfast club meetings.  Yes, we are extremely lucky to have our club activities to hold on to until this pandemic passes.

 All this being said, we are currently in our membership drive for 2021.  If you haven’t renewed yet, what are you waiting for?  Until December 31st, its only $35.00.  After that the price goes up to $40 for the year. Simply visit our website and complete the renewal form.  Thank you.

 Finally, if you would like to see us do a special program or cover a specific topic in the coming year, please contact Dave Hewitt, WW9S at

 I look forward to meeting all of you in person on the other side of this pandemic.  Until then, please be smart and stay safe,

 SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY FOR 2020 ONLY -- under COVID legislation, taxpayers can deduct up to $300 of charitable contributions even if they do not itemize! Please consider taking advantage of this one-time opportunity if you don't itemize.


Burt KR9T


Rob Orr