Great Start

We are off to a great start this year with our membership roles hitting an all time high for this point in the year.  Thank you for your continued support of the club.  There is a lot happening and here is a brief rundown.

 Our build club is off to a running start with members taking up all kinds of interesting build projects.  If you are still interested in joining in the fun of constructing one of our kit projects, contact Art, N9AEP, our Build club lead for further details.

 Our Allstate site in Northbrook for our 2-meter repeater has been sold and we are forced to take down and move the site to another location.  Since we have not determined where this new site will be we are asking all members to help us find alternative sites, hopefully located near the epicenter of our members, somewhere near Northbrook.  If you have any contacts with folks who have access to tall buildings, water towers, or radio towers, please let me know so we ca further explore the opportunities.  It takes a long lead time from finding the site to gaining access and installing the equipment.  Help us keep our repeaters on the air.

 If you have not been following the evolution of the NIBBB (Northern Illinois Bottlecap balloon Brigade) it is worth going to their website at to see the progress of their radio balloon launches.  Last I heard, my balloon, KR9T was floating somewhere over Russia and still transmitting.  For further information, contact Cary Willis, KD9ITO via his website.  What fun!

 Our meetings at Heller Nature Center remain on hold but we are considering a club sale of donated equipment there in March, pending COVID restrictions.  We are going to remain in virtual mode for club meetings until further notice.

 Well, even though winter is still here, we are already in the preliminary planning stages for our NS9RC Field Day, June 2022 in Northfield.  This will be our first time at this new venue and we could use some preliminary planning help to make this a successful event.  If you would like to help out in the planning process, please let me know and I will add your name to our Field Day Committee.

Please remember to check into our regularly scheduled Thursday night nets at 8 pm CST to learn about the latest updates to all of our events.

 Well, that’s it for February.  Think Spring and getting those antennas up.



Burt KR9T


Rob Orr