Winter Thoughts

December ushers in the beginning of shorter days and longer periods of darkness. As amateur radio operators, our thoughts turn to indoor activities such as contests, shack cleaning, dreaming of upgrades to our equipment, and learning new skills.

Is there something you want to build? Is there some improvement you want to make? Is your firmware on your software defined radio updated? Always something to do and new skills to acquire. Maybe you want to learn Morse code or the newer digital modes of FT-8/4? Always something to keep everyone busy.

December is also the month where we prepare to usher in a new Board of Directors. Our nominating committee worked long and hard to recruit candidates for possible selection. The reason our club functions so well is due to the behind the scenes efforts of our elected board members and those they additionally select to serve special functions on the Board. Without their diligent work, meetings would not run as smoothly and our club’s infrastructure would not appear to be so seamless. So I want to take this opportunity to thank out Board members who are moving on including Jeff WW9F, our outgoing Secretary who has served many years, Rob K9RST, who has served as past President for numerous years and as our Director of Public Service, and finally Evan Hand, AC9TU who was our Treasurer for the past year.

This year’s Board will consist of the following members:

Burt KR9T, President;

Dave, WW9S Vice President;

Brian, AB9ZI, Secretary;

Donn, W9TOC, Treasurer;

Greg, W9GAK, Tech;

Tami, KD9IXB, Membership;

Art, N9AEP Communication and Publicity;

Marty, WD9GYM, Net;

Rich K9RD, Education

Vic, KA9KBD, IT;

Don, KK9H, Trustee;

John W9JM, Public Service; and

Carly, KD9VDM, Webmaster.


Congratulations to one and all for your nominations and for your service to our club. Looking forward to a new year and many new members and friendships to form.



Rob Orr